Tuesday 4 March 2014

Hello March

So it's the first week of March. Blossoms are appearing across London yet the weather still seems so erratic. Either way, I hope spring is around the corner...so new season, new start. And motivation to get a job or do something more productive. 

So it's been about two weeks since I've returned from Beijing. I miss it everyday, but I also enjoy being home. Lazing around, relaxing and meeting friends. I've allowed myself that time to also indulge in food. Food I had not eaten in China and I had been craving for a long time. Basically, anything unhealthy...especially a good old fashioned roast dinner!! But now it is time to detox properly and diet. So in comes the 5:2 diet plan. 

5:2 diet plan introduced to me by my sister seems quite possible. It's five days of regular eating and then two days of fasting or a reduced calorie intake of 500 for women and 600 for men. I usually tend to skip lunch or breakfast some days...so I think it is possible!! Just to boost the effects, exercise may be contemplated...or in my language a few spins on wii dance or wii Zumba. I'll keep you updated on how this goes.... Hoping it doesn't turn out like most of my diets. Usually, I start off pretty well but soon my diet becomes the "see food" diet and I just fall into bad habits....and eat whatever I see or crave. Bad. 

This time, I've got some more motivation....a holiday in the sun. More specifically, Thailand with the family!! Supppeeer excited!! I have over three months to send the pounds, wish me luck!!

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