Thursday 30 May 2013

Baby steps

Hello fellow bloggers and readers!

It has been far too long since I've lasted written anything for my's really bad!

Well, my final year at University has just ended and I have no idea what to do with myself! I'm roaming around my house bored out of my mind, questioning what to do? Should I sleep? Exercise? Work on my CV? Look for jobs? The amount of time I have and the freedom should be making me happy but it isn't. I think in the back of my mind the one question that keeps bugging me is...'What's next then?'

What's next? Honestly, I have no idea! I honestly have no idea what I want to do with my life nor do I know what grades I will get at the end of the summer. I'm soo scared it's of finalist right?

Final year has been something- full of late nights, lots of energy drinks and lots and lots of library visits. I will miss it. I am already missing it, if i'm truthful. I feel so restless, I feel like I should be revising or reading for an upcoming essay. BUT nope, I have no more essays to write, no more exams to revise for and no more classes to attend...I will strangely miss it. Just a tad.

But now what? What does someone do with a History and English BA?? (That's if I graduate that is..) - I can easily go into teaching I guess, but I do want to do something other than that..but what? I just keep looking on the internet and I feel my head is going to many options and so many decisions to be made...I kind of just want to restart my Uni life all over again and avoid ever looking for a job..doesn't anyone else? Maybe that's just be being a chicken of entering this so called big bad world of work. All I know is that I've completed my degree it's time to move out of Loughborough and move on with my steps.